OCTOBER IS PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH. May we suggest doing something special for those who serve you and your church? However, may we also suggest that you not limit your efforts to one month on the calendar. Year around, become one who “comes along side” of God’s ministering servants to encourage them. We should have much gratitude for our faithful pastors!
The first article, by Daniel Henderson, "In Gratitude for Faithful Pastors," takes a close look at pastoral leadership, its current challenges, and offers practical suggestions for how the church body can “fuel the joy of our leaders.” Henderson reminds us that “It is hard to be a faithful intercessor and critic at the same time.”
The second article, by Justin Jeppesen, “4 Ways to Pray for Your Pastor” offers insightful thoughts on how both pastors and their people can more fully reflect the beauty of the Good Shepherd in their homes, churches, communities, and the world.
May these two articles transform the way you encourage and support your Pastor.