Be Encouraged, Pastor!

Corona Virus Response Message To Pastors During This Time of Isolation
Be Encouraged, Pastor!
As you live in this ever-changing new situation, Be Encouraged! As you are navigating these new waters of uncertainty, you have been challenged as to how to be the shepherd to your “flock,” as well as, how are you going to make it, yourself. This is not a time for business as usual. I would like to encourage you, pastor, to use this time God has given you productively in four ways.
1. Stay focused on Jesus – What is happening is not outside of God’s view. God is walking it with you, so you can be calm in this world of panic and uncertainty. Now you can demonstrate this calm to others. Remember – Jesus is the Great Physician! What issues hinder your focus of Jesus? Repent of them. Then learn to listen and discern as the Holy Spirit teaches you how to listen to what God is saying in the midst of this so you are able to hear how you can better function now and also after it is over. May your walk with God during this time be steady, true, experiencing His peace. Isaiah 43:1-5a, Luke 12:32, Romans 12:1
2. Self-Care – We, as pastors, take care of others, but we often deny that same care for ourselves. So, God has given you this time to take stock of your life and to discover what hurts you have been enduring that need some specific attention. As these are identified you can be proactive to get help in these areas. Part of self-care is to identify people who can walk with you to help you. To this end you also need to find a secure connect group that you can relate to and share with. (PastorCare can be of help with this so contact us, if you would like to become part of a group.) Ephesians 2:10, I Corinthians 6:19-20, Philippians 4:6-8
3. Sabbatical Time – God has also given you this time to get re-energized. So, get that rest you have needed for some time. Get yourself in a good place. Give yourself some grace. Let go for a while to get stronger and healthier, so you are able to prepare for your next task. In these recent days we have had to adjust and find a “new normal.” As you seek God’s wisdom through prayer you may find that you have to do things differently. It is God’s desire for you to grow in His grace and to grow in how you go about doing things. Mark 2:27, Hebrews 4:9-11, Matthew 11:28-30
4. Praise & Prayer – You are now equipped for the battle that is before you. You have again taken your place on the front lines. As a pastor you are “God’s Essential Servant.” God needs your leadership to carry out His plans to defeat the enemy. Praise and prayer are the key. 2 Chronicles 20:20-22, Psalm 31:1, Psalm 106:1.
It is our desire at PastorCare for every pastor to be healthy, energized, refreshed, renewed and prepared for how God will use you in this next phase of your ministry. Be encouraged, pastor! God loves you and cares for you! God needs you on the front lines where you are being faithful! So, be strong and courageous and encouraged.