“God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before we know it, He brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.”
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (The Message)
Ministry, like every other occupation, has its ups and downs...
its discouragements and excitements. But being a pastor is unique. As a minister, your heart, soul, mind, and body are given over to caring for others. You get intimately involved in the lives of those you serve. And it's that involvement which can cause both blessing and fatigue.
This level of involvement opens pastors to profound experiences of joy and deep satisfaction. But it also makes shepherds vulnerable to deep disappointment and pain. Human nature, being what it is, does not always cooperate with our expectations.
We knew that ministry would be difficult. But we also assumed that people in the congregation would set aside differences, work together in spiritual unity, and put the needs of those around them above their own.
We knew we weren't perfect – that we'd inevitably make mistakes. But we assumed that people would overlook or be eager to forgive. Yet, sometimes, it can begin to seem that every slight misstep is examined and magnified to the point where it gets completely distorted.
Now that you're on the scene, perhaps things don't look anything like you had expected it to be, and maybe you’re not sure where to go from here. Disappointed and disheartened, you may find yourself becoming more disillusioned and cynical: “What went wrong?” “How did we end up here?” “Am I even making a difference?”
But in your heart, at least somewhere deep within, there is still a spark, a desire, and (shall we dare say) even a bit of passion for your initial call. At PastorCare, we want to help fan that tiny spark back into full flame. We want to assist God’s ministering servants like you. We are ready to talk with you and walk with you through your ministry journey.
The bottom line, as Paul points out in Scripture, is to not lose heart. PastorCare wants to help.
Review Testimonials from those who have been assisted by PastorCare...
Providing Resources for
your SPEaR areas:

Retreats / Seminars
Personal Coaching
PastorCare offers...
• Seasoned Pastors who are available to share, from their hearts, God's Word and their own experiences, offering practical assistance and prayer.
• Experienced Christian Professionals who may offer free or discounted services for hurting pastors and their families.
• Prayer Warriors who intercede for hurting pastors and families.
• Trained, Caring Staff who will assess your need, match and connect you to the best resources for your specific situation.
• Getaways
• Christian Mental Health Professionals
• Ministry Styles Testing
• Leadership and Conflict Consultants
• Sharing resources that help pastors avoid common “ministry pitfalls.”
• Pairing pastors and churches to gifted mentors and ministries to assess and strengthen effective ministry.
• Linking pastors to retreats, seminars, and workshops to deal with stress, burnout, marriage, or other issues.
PastorCare’s goal is to equip and prepare you to be able to deal with issues that will undoubtably arise. Use us, our tools, and our resources NOW, as Preventive Care, to avoid the pitfalls inevitably associated with ministry.
Want to be a Part of the Solution?
Under the Lordship of Jesus, Pastors and Ministers are of fundamental importance to the church. Without leadership, fewer people will come to know Jesus Christ and the Good News of the Kingdom of God. As shepherds, Pastors are called to sacrificially provide for their flocks. But who is there to care for them when they are in need? Too often, no one.
YOU can be a part of the solution and help PastorCare provide resources to meet the spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational needs of ministers and their families.
click the button above to
We’re on Social Media...
We would love to have you follow our Facebook Page.

PastorCare is an ever expanding network of individuals who share a common heart for helping God’s Ministering Servants and their families. Our desire is to serve as a support network for hurting pastors, and provide practical assistance and ongoing support.
PastorCare recognizes that pastors are in a special role as caregivers while often needing care themselves. PastorCare provides help that is Practical, Personal, and Private (confidential).
PastorCare assists pastors and their families in numerous ways. We have Regional Directors in key locations throughout the nation:
Female Ministers &
Their Spouses
“Wherever a pastor serves, there will be people who care, offering practical support in tangible ways.”
Dr. Bert Moore, Founder

Pastors, we need YOUR expertise...
Have you counseled at least one woman who has experienced domestic violence?
We need your input.
Please, consider sharing from your experience to help others.
Your participation in a Doctoral Research project
would be greatly appreciated by:
Connie Austin | CAustin4@my.gcu.edu

Shepherd’s Fortress
PODCASTS with David Revelle, a collaborative partner in ministry with PastorCare.
63% of pastors say they are stressed in ministry. It does not have to be that way.
Check out a FREE excerpt of Prevent Pastor Stress: 11 Steps to Success.
Know Your Ministry Style and Harness the Power of Your Unique Personality!
Get a "Minstrystyle" Personality Profile Assesment for $25 (instead of $70) by using our link and the Promo Code PastorCare2015 on the payment page. If you'd like to see a sample first, visit findyourlivstyle.com – but, to receive the discount, you must click the [Find Your “Ministrystyle”] button on the site. Please also remember... to receive the discount, be sure to use Promo Code PastorCare2015 on the payment page.