- Elizabeth Jackson, PastorCare Mid-West (Illinois)
Help is here!
Emotional fatigue among pastors is on the rise within the Body of Christ. Pastors see a lot of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual pain and suffering, often daily.
How are pastors coping? Are they able to detach emotionally to attend to themselves and the needs of their families? Do pastors spend time in prayer and in the Word daily? Do they eat healthy, exercise, and avoid anything that is potentially addictive or destructive? Do they spend time with family and get the sleep and the rest that they need? Emotionally, do they seek help when they need help (counseling, coaching, etc.)? Do pastors have friendships and other pastors that care for them, mentor, and love on them?
If you are a church member, have sensitivity and care for your pastor: do not expect the pastor to give up all self-care and care for their family for the purpose of catering to you 24/7.
If you are a board member or elder of a church, pick up the flack, if someone needs visitation or prayer, do not expect your pastor to do it all. If you are an elder, you are called to tend to the spiritual and physical needs of the congregation. Too often, those in the elder position have the attitude towards doing ministry of “that’s what we pay the pastor for!” That attitude goes against the Word of God. The pastor is to equip and teach the people within the church to do the work of the ministry.
If you are a pastor: PRAY, tend to yourself (spiritually – this is extremely important), diet, exercise, sleep, and tend to your family. Realize that your kids and spouse need your time too. If your kids are feeling neglected, take time for them, show them that they are important, loved and valued. Take the time and opportunity to seek help when you are troubled or in need. Do not wait until you are in crisis to tend to yourself.
We have a network of PastorCare associates across the United States who are dedicated to helping pastors in need. We would love to help you or a pastor that you know! Check out our website for information on our Team located across the country.
Mike and Elizabeth Jackson serve as Mid-West PastorCare area directors in the Illinois area. They can be reached at 217-395-4003 or Jacksons2equip4christ@gmail.com. They offer EQUIP Life coaching for pastors and pastor’s wives as well as mentoring and leadership training.